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"Nan is truly a pro and I would recommend her in a heartbeat to anyone who truly wants growth in their lives."

Cynthia Currance
American Cancer Society

"Nan's quality of service is unparalleled, her advice is right on the money, her knowledge of all aspects of business is deep and her emphasis on work/life balance is refreshing. Besides all that, she's a wonderful person."

Robert Logan
President, PSEG Americas

"Nan has a unique perspective on how to approach issues that arise. She has invested her time and energy not only coaching me, but learning about my company. That dedication is extremely important."

John E. Garcia

"Nan’s ability to balance her intuition with her cognitive knowledge of business is a powerful combination, and she knows how to bring that into focus for extremely efficient results."

Kim Youngblood
Jack Morton Worldwide

Executive Business Coaching for Corporate Executives

How Could an Executive Business Coach Be Helpful to Me If I Am a Corporate Executive?

  • Because you are asked to do more and more with less and less and that’s what small business owners have been doing for decades. That's where executive business coaching can help you.
  • Because you need someone who doesn’t do corporate-think. Who sees things from a fresh perspective. Who can help you re-frame your thinking.
  • Because you can trust me. And, I bet there are precious few people in your environment you can trust. I’ll be in your corner, rooting for your success.

Thirty percent of my coaching business is coaching executives from Corporate America. They like the lean and mean thinking that I bring to the table. They like someone who isn’t full of the corporate B.S. They like the way I streamline processes so they can get better results faster.

But, here’s the kicker:

I Am Only Interested in Coaching Corporate Executives in a Specific Kind of Situation

The truth is that most of Corporate America is pretty toxic. Okay, very toxic. To the extent that I am finding fewer and fewer environments in which my work can be effective.

The problem, of course, is that publicly held companies are forced to make decisions based almost completely on quarterly earnings to please the market. That’s generally a pretty lousy way to make decisions. The long-term considerations generally take a backseat to short-term gain.

Most of Corporate America has become so toxic that people are not empowered to do what makes sense. That leads to major burnout and frustration. People often come to executive business coaching looking for answers.

As much as I would love to help those people, it’s pretty hard for the coaching process to work when people are not empowered. When those above them are making really bad decisions that no one can impact.

There are, however, some companies out there that are still running a sane business. I can usually help their executives through coaching.

If Your Situation Has These Characteristics We Should Talk

  • Your company is one of the ones that are still doing it right. There is a long-term perspective to decision-making.
  • You like your job and feel well-treated.
  • You have the ability to make an impact.
  • You have experienced a degree of success and want to grow to the next level.

If Your Situation Meets the Above Criteria Then I Can
Help You With:

  • Handling a new level of responsibility
  • Helping your team be more effective
  • Creating a plan to get where you and your department need to go
  • Restructuring due to changing market factors
  • Understanding the difference between being a manager and being a leader